Annual Fee

The annual fee for a diplomate is $500 per year, regardless of the number of specialties in which one is certified. Any outstanding fees from previous years must be paid at the $500 rate. The annual fee is due no later than December 31 each year. Payment can be made electronically in the Portal (via credit card or ACH), or by mailing a check to ABMGG at 6120 Executive Blvd., Suite 525, Rockville, MD, 20852

Exception: New Diplomates Continuously Training in a Second Specialty

Newly certified ABMGG diplomates who are training full-time in a second medical specialty or subspecialty may be eligible for a waiver or credit for certain continuing certification activities that include:

  • Waiver of the first year of continuing certification fees
  • Credit for the equivalent of up to 20 CME for each year in full-time qualified training
  • Credit for one Improvement in Medical Practice activity


  • Must be enrolled in a full-time training program in an additional medical specialty or subspecialty, AND
  • In continuous training, with a gap of no more than 2 months from completion of initial specialty training

To request a waiver of any of these activities, complete the form below. It will be forwarded to ABMGG for review. Once approved, documentation will be uploaded to your portal account for you.

For questions, contact

Submit request form

Voluntary Dues

Diplomates with Non-Time Limited Certificates (certified before 1993) are not required to participate in Continuing Certification. However, we ask that our Non-Time Limited Certificate holders consider contributing voluntary dues of any amount to support our efforts.

These dues help to support activities such as the ABMGG Portal, certifying examinations, and the CertLink Longitudinal Assessment. You can use the secure payment link below or mail a check to ABMGG at 6120 Executive Blvd., Suite 525, Rockville, MD, 20852.

Click here to support ABMGG with voluntary dues

Please Note: ABMGG is a non-profit corporation. It is organized and operated primarily for scientific and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to ABMGG are not deductible as charitable donations.